Special Education (M.Ed.)

研究生特殊教育计划是基于一个概念框架,重点关注以下几个方面, Reflective Practitioner, and Professional Dispositions. 还强调了对理解反思性和探究式教学的熟练和知识渊博的从业者的准备. The program is based on the notion that students can achieve. 研究生将学习评估如何推动教学,以及基于数据的决策的重要性.

该计划旨在培养理解教育目的以及学习发展方面的教师.  另一个主要项目的重点是培养教师候选人,使他们能够熟练地、持续地监督学生的学习.

该计划为候选人提供了教学和残疾学生管理的基础, based on current knowledge, research, and practice in the field. 强调行动研究,以证明教学方法的有效性. 学生应该表现出对残疾学生的文化的理解, emotional, social, academic, cognitive, transition from school to adult environment, and physical needs. Students become proficient in the use of computer technology, and application of behavior management techniques. As an extension of the inclusion model, 学生学习合作,以产生创造性的解决方案,共同定义的问题.

该项目本质上是通用的,主要针对从小学到中学(1-8年级)有轻度和中度残疾的儿童和青少年。. 该计划包括36个学分,按顺序分组,为学生提供知识和技能层次. The program requires three (3) field-based experiences.  The first practicum experience occurs during SPED 511, Special Education Perspectives, 学生被要求进行25小时的观察和课堂参与.  The second field experience occurs in the from of Practicum I, a six-week, full-time school experience, 在完成项目的前五(5)门课程后将进行哪些课程.  Practicum II, another six-week, full-time school experience, 发生在课程结束时,是本研究生课程的高潮体验.


  • All students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better on a 4-point scale from an accredited college or university.
  • 所有学生必须提交三(3)封专业推荐信,并可能被要求与研究生特殊教育教师面谈.
  • 所有学生必须完成一篇澳门太阳城官方入口他们的教学理念的文章(2页,打印).
  • 所有学生必须通过PRAXIS I作为该课程的入学要求.


所有本科学位不属于教育专业的特殊教育研究生都需要完成基础课程. 所需课程的确切数量取决于对每个学生成绩单的评估. The student's advisor will conduct transcript evaluations.

学生在进入该课程之前必须有三(3)个学期的人类成长和发展课程, maintain a 3.课程期间平均绩点25分,毕业前通过书面综合考试. Students are required to complete an exit interview prior to graduation.  Passing PRAXIS II is an exit requirement for this program.


SPED 511 - Special Education Perspectives (required first course)特殊教育中的计算机和技术。行为干预和课堂管理Prerequisite:  SPED 511)SPED 520 - Instructional Methods and Curriculum Planning(Prerequisite:  SPED 511)SPED 649 - Partnerships and Lifestyles(Prerequisite:  SPED 511)SPED 615 - Practicum I in Special Education(taken after 15 credits listed above)SPED 602 - Math, Science and Social Studies Curriculum(Prerequisite:  SPED 511, 515, 520, 522)SPED 626 - Language and Reading Development(Prerequisite:  SPED 511, 515, 520, 522)跨学科团队:评估,沟通和干预(Prerequisite:  SPED 507, 511, 515, 520, 522, 526 & 549)EDUC 706 - Introduction to Research(Prerequisites:  SPED 502, 507, 511, 515, 520, 522, 526 & 549)SPED 730 - Seminar in Special Education(Taken the semester prior to SPED 516)SPED 716 - Practicum II in Special Education(last course)

Total 36 Credits


The student shall:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge and skills related to the philosophical, historical, and legal foundations of special education.
  2. 展示与有或没有特殊学习需要的学习者特征相关的知识和技能, including those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds; the implications of those individual difference; and the effects of the child's cultural milieu.
  3. 具备识别残疾的正式评估工具和非正式评估的知识, diagnosis, and evaluation procedures (academic, cognitive, communicative, social-emotional, 和物理)用于IEP发展和正在进行的教学修订. 强调使用基于成绩的评估数据来监测正在进行的教育进展和指导教学决策.
  4. 展示通用课程和特殊课程的知识和技能,以开发教学内容和适当的实践,以满足学习者的个人需求.
  5. 展示最佳实践和技术的知识和使用,以有效管理和修改教学和学习环境,以适应个人的学习需求.
  6. 展示与管理学生行为和支持跨文化社会互动技能发展相关的知识和技能.
  7. 与来自不同背景的家长和学生进行适当的沟通,以帮助他们成为教育伙伴关系中的积极合作者.
  8. 展示专业人员之间有效协作方法的知识, community, 家庭成员之间尤其是普通教育和特殊教育专业人员之间.
  9. 展示教师作为专业和道德实践典范的重要性,并展示致力于开发具有特殊学习需求的个人的最大潜力.
  10. Design, conduct, analyze, and apply various types of research.
  11. 用反思作为判断他们工作成效的一种手段.
  12. Demonstrate knowledge of educational applications of current technology.
  13. Articulate problems and issues that cut across cultural, economic, political, and technological systems are interconnected. 学生们还将认识到存在于各种全球视角中的差异和共同点,以及它们塑造当今教育的方式.

For more information, please contact:

Dr. Waseem Mazher
14000 Jericho Park Road
James E. Proctor Jr. Building, Room 233M
Bowie, MD 20715